Maple Knoll Townhomes

1880 Mesabi Avenue, Maplewood, MN

Project Type: Rehabilitation


Project Stage: Completed

Size: 57 Project-Based Section 8 rental units

Original Construction Date: 1981

Rehab Completion: 2013

Developer: National Foundation for Affordable Housing Solutions (Saint Paul)

Project Cost: $11.6 million

Funding Sources: LIHTC, State deferred, debt

Landon Group role: Secure financing

Built in 1981, the Maple Knoll Townhomes were showing the signs of 30+ years of wear and tear, with major systems become functionally obsolete. NFAHS undertook the rehablitation of the seven buildings that house the 57 units of affordable housing, and hte surrounding landscaping.  Built adjacent to a wetland Maple Knoll had experienced flooding and water infiltration issues, which were also resolved during the rehablitation.

Maple Knoll continues to be 100% Project-Based Section 8, assuring that residents pay no more than 30% of their income towards rent.  Its rehabilitation has ensured that Ramsey County families will have a quality, affordable housing option for decades to come.