Fairview Manor

209 International Drive, Red Lake Falls, MN

Project Type: Rehabilitation


Project Stage: Completed

Size: 50 units across three buildings

Original Construction Date: 1970

Rehab Completion: 2015

Developer: Greater Minnesota Housing Fund and National Association of Housing and Redevelopment Officials on behalf of Red Lake Falls Housing and Redevelopment Authority

Project Cost: $295,000

Funding Sources: Minnesota Housing Infrastructure Bonds (GO Bonds); owner capital

Landon Group role: Secure financing

In 2014, the Minnesota Legislature provided $20 million in General Obligation Bonds to Minnesota Housing to be awarded to HRA/PHAs in order to address critical physical needs in existing public housing. GMHF and NAHRO hired Landon Group to provide technical assistance to Public Housing Authorities in preparing competitive funding applications.

Landon Group assisted 14 HRA/PHAs with application submission to Minnesota Housing. 11 of those 14 developments were funded, out of 46 total applicants.

The Fairview Manor project specifically involved addressing the safety of two underground storage tanks that had been found to be leaking fuel, and the replacement and upgrade of the heating and cooling systems in the two older buildings of the development.